Professional Coaching
with Michelle Nesbitt
Certified TNM Coach
Certified in Affect Liminal Psychology
As an entrepreneur of 35 years, I have a passion and a path to be in service to others.
I am a Certified TNM Personal Coach with two specialities. I work with women to help them identify and change what isn't working in various areas of their life and create healthy lasting change. I also specialize in coaching women wanting to change their relationship with alcohol.
I have a Affect Liminal Psychology certification .
I have been trained as a Traumatic Incident Reduction Facilitator and a Level II certified Reiki Instructor.

Level Up Professional Coaching is Based in Knowledge, Compassion, Support and Confidentiality
TNMI Certified Coach
In my late 50's I started to get curious about my own health, habits and beliefs. I found myself entering into the next chapter of life with renewed excitement and a continued passion to help others. I bring vast life experience and high level training to my coaching business.
Are you are finding yourself feeling empty or perhaps a smaller version of who you used to be?
Are you getting stuck in unhealthy habits or thought loops and don't know how to change them?
Maybe you're afraid to ask questions about your relationship with alcohol or other unhealthy habits, If so, please know coaching can help.
Many hide or feel ashamed of their lack of control over unhealthy habits. You are not alone AND there is hope. Is it time to get curious about re-claiming your own power?
I can help you find the answers and explore the possibilities for life's next chapter.
I will not pressure clients to sign up. Coaching works when it is a fit for both of us. Book a free 45 minute, discovery call to see if personal coaching is for you. Let's find out what is possible in your life......
Let's Get Started.....
40 Minute FREE Discovery Call - Find out how we can achieve your goals together.
Confidential Coaching
Group Coaching Learn how to
Live Life to the Fullest Alcohol Free
(max. 6 ppl)
Burnout to Brilliance
Moving Forward through top 5
Life Stressors
(max. 8 people)
Monthly Newsletter relating to
Personal Growth
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